Quick Search

Speeds up the search process


Best Offer? This Extension Costs 45% lower than others. See it for Yourself.



Transparent pricing

No ‘hidden fees’ or ‘fake discount’ prices

Vcomm charges exactly for what we provide



Price charged for more complicated and advanced features


The brand name itself demands the largest share of the price


Also showing a cut-off price of 79$, which has been the same for the past year.

1 Year Free Support

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Fast Paced World Needs Fast-Paced Tools

Quick Search is not just a tool. It's an investment in enhancing the user experience on your Magento store.

Its efficiency and accuracy in delivering search results directly translate into improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.

How does it help your store beyond customer satisfaction?

The benefits of Quick Search directly impact your store's bottom line. By providing fast search results, you're creating a more efficient shopping experience.

This leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased conversions, and, ultimately, a boost in revenue. Customers can locate the products they're interested in, leading to quicker decision-making and a higher likelihood of completing a purchase.

Moreover, with its ability to transcend language barriers, Quick Search ensures that customers from different regions can easily find what they're looking for, expanding your potential customer base.

Additionally, developers have the flexibility to fine-tune the search parameters to align perfectly with the offerings of your store, ensuring that results are tailored to your unique product catalog.

Features That Matter

Eliminate the Waiting Game

Bypassing the traditional Magento search process and connecting directly to ElasticSearch, we've eliminated the waiting game. Your customers will experience near-instantaneous response times.

 Quick To Cater to Global Customers

Quick Search seamlessly integrates with all languages present on your website.

 Gets Rid of Slow Product Searches 

Quick Search takes charge of all searchable attributes of your products, transforming your search bar into a powerful tool that scours your inventory in the blink of an eye.

Remembers Your Interests

Our intelligent system stores previous search results and highlights the most sought-after products.

Direct Magento-Elastic Search Integration

Instead of your requests bouncing around, they go straight to the source, slashing response times and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

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