Review Reminder

Gain Trust with Authentic Voices


Best Offer? This Extension Costs 45% lower than others. See it for Yourself.



Transparent pricing

No ‘hidden fees’ or ‘fake discount’ prices

Vcomm charges exactly for what we provide



Price charged for more complicated and advanced features


The brand name itself demands the largest share of the price


Also shows a cut-off price of 79$, which has been the same for the past year.

1 Year Free Support

T & C’s apply

Beyond the price and product images, what catches your eye? 


The price might make you pause, but the reviews truly reassure you.

Nothing speaks louder than real experiences, which is why reviews bring out the stories lived through your products, and they matter – a lot.

Reviews provide the validation your customers seek, regardless of the digits on the price tag or the appeal of product images.

The Review Reminder extension for Magento 2 invites your customers to be a part of your product's story. 

How to get reviews?

The Review Reminder extension is designed to send reminder emails to customers after they have received their orders, encouraging them to leave a review about the products they have purchased.

The extension allows customers to easily leave feedback on their experience with the product by providing a link to the review page on their account page.

Features That Matter

Assures Like A Friend

Just like a friend's recommendation holds more weight than a company's pitch, reviews from peers make the real impact. Harness the power of word-of-mouth for your products.

Remind in a Natural Manner.

Customise your email reminders to match your brand's voice. Engage customers on a personal level and watch as their insights pour in.

Maintains the Right Balance of Reminders

Reminders are sent twice to ensure your customers don't miss the chance to give feedback. We're all busy; a friendly nudge goes a long way.

Integrates With Magento Latest Version

We've got the backend work covered. While you focus on your business, our coding ensures the emails are seamlessly sent using Magento mail services.

Flexible Email Delivery

Choose your preferred method of email delivery – via cron for scheduled reminders or through a console command for instant outreach. You have the control.

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