Background Remover

It does exactly what the name says


Best Offer? This Extension Costs 45% lower than others. See it for Yourself.



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Price charged for more complicated and advanced features


The brand name itself demands the largest share of the price


Also showing a cut-off price of 129$, which has been the same for the past year.

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Remove Background from Product Images

This Magento 2 extension offers a seamless solution to remove backgrounds from up to 1,000 files in just 5 seconds. It's as easy as typing out a single line of code.

Previously, you had to either rely on designers, work with a separate tech stack or a third-party platform for simply removing backgrounds. 

With this background removal extension, you gain a simple solution for a simple task.

No extra effort. No breakdowns.

The process is straightforward and user-friendly, designed to save you time while maintaining high-quality results.

Looking for a fun fact about this extension?

If your images look good and appealing, 90% of your product is sold there and then itself, as it speeds up customer’s decision-making and the store’s conversion rates.

The appearance of your products matters.

Removing backgrounds gives your products a clean, professional look that enhances their appeal to customers.

A clutter-free backdrop ensures that your products take centre stage, highlighting their features and details effectively.

Features That Matter

Let Automation Take Over

Our Background Remover optimises your product images effortlessly, saving time and hassle. No more back-and-forth with designers.

Do it All in One Place 

 Integrates seamlessly into your store, making it easy to use within your existing workflow.

Work Smartly with a Streamlined Workflow

Focus on your priority tasks while this extension takes over your tedious tasks of removing backgrounds, regardless of the image volume.

Rely on Limitless Scalability

Remove background images for 1,000+ products or more. Adapts and scales to meet your store's demands.

Attract More Conversions

Enhance image quality, orientation, and customer view, boosting trust and reducing costs.

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