Alternative Products

Running Out Of Options Shouldn’t Be An Option


Best Offer? This Extension Costs 45% lower than others. See it for Yourself.



Transparent pricing

No ‘hidden fees’ or ‘fake discount’ prices

Vcomm charges exactly for what we provide



Price charged for more complicated and advanced features


The brand name itself demands the largest share of the price


Shows a cut-off price of 129$, which has been the same for the past year.

1 Year Free Support

T & C’s apply

You May Have Heard of Related Products, But What About Alternate Products?

Since this may be an extension you may have heard of for the first time, let's go through a short story.

One fine day,

Your product went out of stock. 

10 shoppers wanted to buy your product that exact same day.

What do you do?

You can’t do much because the product isn’t there.

But you do the bare minimum by suggesting other products (related products) they could buy or ask them to be notified once the stock is in.

You tried, but this doesn’t convince them completely.

Now, what if you went a level higher?

By offering them actual alternatives to the product and not just related products.

Like a white shoe for another white shoe.

Not a white sock for a white shoe.

Features That Matter

More than upsell or cross-sell, it's a direct sale

Along with the products you display for up-sell or cross-sell, this sells as a direct one. Customers may find themselves even happier with the alternatives you present as compared to their original search.

Display On Most Viewed Pages

Show alternative products on the product detail page (PDP)  and product listing page (PLP).

Do it All in One Go!

Easily upload multiple product alternatives at once, saving time and effort while managing your extensive inventory.

Choose Your Preferred Alternatives

Admins can add, delete or update products from the admin product form.

Keep Customers Informed

Notify customers promptly when their desired product is back in stock.


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